Positive or Negative写法
通过题目的最后一句话 “Do you think it is a positive or negative development? ” 我们可以确定题型为positive or negative。
1. Introduction: 改写题目,给出个人观点预告:positive
2. Body Paragraph 1: 积极1
3. Body Paragraph 2: 积极2
5. Conclusion: 总结,重复个人观点
For example
Task 2: More and more people choose to shop on line rather than go to real stores. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
The development of communication and information technology has incredibly changed people’s lives in many ways, and the most obvious change arousing debate among consumers and retailers is that online shopping has been gaining far more popularity than trudging to a store or shopping mall. In my opinion, the increasing popularity of web-based shopping is a generally beneficial tendency.
Body Paragraph 1:与营业时间固定的实体店相比,在线购物的人可以选择白天或完整的任意时间登陆亚马逊或者e-Bay。
In comparison to a brick and mortar store with fixed business hours, online shoppers can choose any time of the day or night to get on Amazon or e-Bay.
Body Paragraph 2:在线购物也容许更多的自由去买任何想要和需要的东西,无需感到尴尬。
Online shoppers are also allowed more freedom to buy whatever they want and need without feeling embarrassed.
Body Paragraph 3:最后,通过网络购物给人们提供更好的待遇。
Finally, shopping via the internet offers people better deals.
Some people may argue that online shopping increases the risks of poor shopping experience and personal information leakage, but I say that making purchases digitally is an unstoppable trend given all the benefits it can bring.
1. Introduction: 改写题目,给出个人观点预告:negative
2. Body Paragraph 1: 消极1
3. Body Paragraph 2: 消极2
5. Conclusion: 总结,重复个人观点
For example
Task 2: Nowadays, more people are choosing to socialise online rather than face to face. Is this a positive or negative development?
An increasing number of people meet and talk to their friends online instead of in person. In my opinion, this is a negative development which can lead to isolation, potentially harmful situations and also problems later on in life.
Body Paragraph 1:一个可以由人们在线社交导致的严重问题是,这可以导致孤立。
One serious problem that can arise from people socialising online is that it can lead to isolation.
Body Paragraph 2:另外一个问题是见网友可能是危险的。
Another issue is that meeting people online can be risky.
Body Paragraph 3:最后,在线社交可能在数年后陷入困境,随着被遗忘的对话和分享的照片重新出现。
Finally, socialising online can end in difficulties years later as conversations and shared photos that had been forgotten reappear.
In conclusion, although it has become more popular for people to socialise through the internet, it has brought about too many problems for this to be considered a positive trend.
写法三:“Positive and Negative”
1. Introduction: 改写题目,给出个人观点预告:positive and negative
2. Body Paragraph 1: 积极
3. Body Paragraph 2: 消极
5. Conclusion: 总结,重复个人观点
For example
Task 2: In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
In recent years it has become far more normal for people to live alone, particularly in large cities in the developed world. In my opinion, this trend could have both positive and negative consequences in equal measure.
Body Paragraph 1:独居的上涨可以被看作积极的,有个人和经济两个原因。
The rise in one-person households can be seen as positive for both personal and broader economic reasons.
Body Paragraph 2:但是,上文所给的个人和经济的论点可以从相反的角度考虑。
However, the personal and economic arguments given above can be considered from the opposite angle.
In conclusion, the increase in one-person households will have both beneficial and detrimental effects on individuals and on the economy.